Dear all,

It has been with much deliberation and a very heavy heart that from today, Monday 23rd March 2020 we will close Beautyvell for as long as required. This is not a decision we have taken lightly and I know it may not be a popular one.

I apologise that I promised we would remain open until a lockdown situation arose. As you all know, the safety of both you and the staff have always been at the forefront of our minds. In order to conform with the updated WHO guidelines today with regards to social distancing I had to take this unprecedented next step.

We know Beautyvell will bounce back from this even stronger than before and want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your support over these last few challenging weeks.

We will continue to be available, offering you any advice.  Products and vouchers can be either sent out first class or delivered to your home within a 10 mile radius. Please email us:

We look forward to welcoming you back as soon as we possibly can.

Stay safe,

with love from

Ali, Zoe, Suzanne, Maxine, Lisa, Kevin, Dixy and Nikki.

Beautyvell Health & Beauty